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Quantum Processor Computer. 3D Rendered
About softwareQ: Welcome

Our Business

Quantum platforms, ranging from simple quantum devices to full scale quantum computers, need software for operating correctly. At softwareQ we deliver reliable quantum compilers, optimizers, simulators and software for the highly dynamic landscape of quantum computing, ensuring that your organization is fully prepared to benefit from the quantum revolution.

About softwareQ: About Us


Why us?

We are a team of world renowned experts in quantum technologies, business and software development, who understand the highly dynamic landscape of quantum computing and agile software development.


We are top leaders and thinkers in the field. Our co-founder started the quantum computing efforts at the University of Waterloo, is a founder of its world-renowned Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), from which softwareQ spun off, and is also a founding member of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.


We have developed and advanced many of the textbook quantum algorithmic tools such quantum eigenvalue estimationquantum amplitude estimationquantum state generation, and quantum search with imperfect queries.


We have realized several of the first implementations of quantum algorithms including the Deutsch algorithmquantum searching and approximate quantum cloning. We have developed methods and tools for the compilation and optimization of quantum circuits, such as T-gate optimization via matroid partitioningnumber theory methodsquantum channel representationscoding theory methods, and parallel collision finding algorithms.


We have developed staq, a high-performance modular quantum computing processing toolkit. staq comprises of tools that range from quantum optimizers and translators to physical mappers for quantum devices with restricted connectives. The design of staq is inspired from the UNIX philosophy of "less is more", i.e. staq achieves complex functionality via combining (piping) small tools, each of which performs a single task using the most advanced current state-of-the-art methods.


We have developed a general-purpose high-performance quantum computing framework, Quantum++, that is significantly faster than respectable competing platforms (see for a comparison). Quantum++ can simulate 25 qubits on a typical laptop and 30 or more on high performance servers. Our platform is not restricted to qubit systems or specific quantum information processing tasks, being capable of emulating arbitrary quantum processes. It can even simulate noisy quantum processors, such as the ones available in current quantum hardware.



Dr. Vlad Gheorghiu

CEO & President, Co-Founder

Vlad is the CEO, President and Co-Founder of softwareQ Inc, and an Affiliate of the Institute for Quantum Computing

Vlad graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a PhD in Theoretical Physics. 

Vlad's interests range from quantum computing and quantum software to quantum cryptanalysis, quantum error correction and applications of machine learning to the quantum domain.


Dr. Michele Mosca

Director & Co-Founder

Michele is a Director and Co-Founder of softwareQ Inc. Michele is one of the world's leading scientists in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and conventional cryptography in an era with quantum technologies. 

He co-founded Canada's Institute for Quantum Computing, was a founding Faculty Member of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and co-authored the respected textbook "An Introduction to Quantum Computing"

Michele is also the CEO and Co-Founder of evolutionQ Inc.


Dr. Matthew Amy

Head of quantum software

Matt is the head of quantum software and applications. Matt has a PhD in computer science from the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo. Matt is a world-leading expert in quantum software, quantum compiling and quantum circuit optimization, having made seminal contributions to the field.

About softwareQ: Our Team

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Team High Five
About softwareQ: Quote

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